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Exercise of the Month - December 2008: “Unilateral Exercises for Improved Function”

One question I get asked quite often is the following: “How can I change up my routine to make it more interesting?” My first response is typically “Well that depends on what you are trying to accomplish.” I’ll follow that up with a suggestion to perform more single-leg (“unilateral”) exercises. One functional, unilateral exercise is the step-up. I like it because it mimics the action of going up and down stairs, something most of us do on a daily basis. The key with exercises is to perform them regularly so the activities of daily living (ADL’s) become easier and less of a chore.

Step-ups are also a basic exercise and not that difficult to learn or teach. Choose a box/step/bench at a comfortable starting height (anywhere from 4-12 inches should suffice). Step one foot up to the box and push off that leg to bring your trailing leg on the box as well. Now step one foot down and have the other leg follow. Start with 1-2 sets of 8-12 reps and progress from there. Down the road if balance isn’t an issue, you may add external weights (holding dumbbells) or don a weighted vest to make the exercise more challenging.

Step Ups

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