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Exercise of the Month - May 2008: “Lateral Shuffles”

There are hundreds of movements to execute when warming up. One I like best that engages the inner thighs (adductors) and outer thighs (abductors) is called Lateral Shuffles.  They are a must for those preparing for side to side movements which is basically every athletic endeavor except running.  They’re simply a nice way to strengthen the muscles around the hips (gluteus, adductors, abductors, etc.).

To perform lateral shuffles, use an area where you have a good 15-20 yards.  You can be in an athletic stance (squat down, keep chest head up, looking forward, shoulder blades pinched) or standing straight.  I typically prefer clients/athletes in an athletic stance as I find more muscles overall are engaged.  Extend the lead leg in one direction and have the trail leg follow.  Do not let the back foot drag.  Slide to one side and then slide back.  Repeat 2 times.

To see lateral shuffles in action, click on the following link to see how they’re performed:

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